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Every​ child​ comes​ into​ this​ world​ with​ a​ purpose​ and​ destiny​ to​ fulfil. Find​ out​ how​ by​ reading​ this​ book​ written​ by​ Kingsley​ Obom-Egbulem,​ children​ minister,​ teens​ coach/mentor,​ parenting​ counsellor​ ​ and​ Head​ of​ the​ Junior​ Church,​ Daystar​ Christian​ Centre,​ Lagos.​ Kingsley​ comes​ to​ a​ hard, unusual​ evidence​ based​ conclusion​ after​ 20​ years​ of​ teaching,​ counselling​ children​ and​ teenagers​ and​ leading​ them​ to​ Christ. This​ book​ helps​ you​ discuss​ and​ answer​ the​ purpose​ question​ with​ your​ child and​ provides​ a​ simple​ guide​ for​ helping​ them​ figure​ out​ why​ they​ were​ born