This volume is based on essays presented at the international conference on D.O. FaÌguÌnwaÌ€ held in Akure, Nigeria, in August 2013. It situates FaÌguÌnwaÌ€'s work in broad intellectual and disciplinary contexts, viewing literary creation as both a distillation of a variety of disciplines and an ongoing conversation with them. Born 1903 in Òkè-Igbó, Ondo State, to Christian convert parents, FaÌguÌnwaÌ€ is universally recognised as one of the most well-known figures in the pioneering generation of African writers, although he did not write extensively in any of the African Europhonic languages employed by other famous writers. A visionary author and intellectual, FaÌguÌnwaÌ€ was concerned with making a ‘special contribution to the literary history of the world’.