A complete and well balanced fully researched history book of British Southern Cameroons spanning from pre-colonial era to post-independence and neo-colonization. This book will be deeply cherished by the general public as well as scholars of history, international law and diplomacy. The facts are clearly presented and events are fully referenced. The book also clearly lays out the underpinnings of the crisis for sovereignty and self determination brewing in the former British Southern Cameroons and proposes a path forward that guarantees peace and prosperity for its citizens. Nfor Ngala Nfor is a well known figure in international circles as a political activist and freedom fighter. He has a lifetime of dedication to improving the wellbeing of all people through self-governance and self-determination. His political career is highlighted by several leadership positions at a national and international level as well as several arbitrary arrests and torture at the hands of the military of the Republic of Cameroon. At the time of publication of this book Nfor Ngala Nfor is serving a life sentence as political prisoner in Yaounde, Republic of Cameroon.