This is one of the few books ever written on an African scholar, showing the possibility and benefits of such a rare approach and unprecedented generosity. Rich with details, learned in its findings, and revolutionary in its recommendations, Toyin Falola continues to extend the frontiers of scholarship in African studies with finesse. Apollos Okwuchi Nwauwa, Professor of History and Africana Studies, Bowling Green University, Ohio In this fine, thoughtful and highly engaging book, Toyin Falola honors the intellectual legacy of Ogbu Kalu, which anchors on African Christianity, Global Pentecostalism and Global Missions. Gloria Chuku, Professor and Chair of Africana Studies, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. In this lucid and well-written book, one of the most respected historians of our time, Toyin Falola, places the works of Ogbu Kalu in their comprehensive historical contexts. Caleb O. Oladipo, Snellings Chair of Christian Evangelism and Missions, Campbell University Divinity School.