Words cannot explain or describe the beauty bestowed upon the goddess of fishes, the size of her gigantic round breast would sweep any man off his feet, her eyes as blue as the ocean, her voice is sweet like that of a new born baby, Her skin dark and shinning like the night star. History had it that her first marriage to OKOFEE-ORISHA OKO (God of Agriculture) failed because he made mockery of her breast, he called her `Olomu Ga Ga` meaning Lady with fat breast. The day she left Orisha OKO, she went to shores of a river, cried all day and night, brought out knife, angrily cut off one of her breast, she passed out at the river bank then suddenly ORISHA OLOKUN (Poseidon) appeared to her, healed and comforted her, he invited her into his kingdom in the underworld, this was where he fortified and initiated her, named her YEMOJA, ORISHA OF FISHES. ( Half Human, Half Fish)